More proxies in all MIX packages without any price raising

More proxies in all MIX packages without any price raising

More proxies in all MIX packages without any price raising

Attention! In connection with the planned scaling of our resources we are now conducting a test special action:

We double the number of proxies in all the price packages from Backconnect Proxy “World MIX” category without changing the price!

Now the lowest package has 2000 and the highest – 40 000 backconnect proxies online!

As a reminder – the entire pool includes approximately 100 000 online. However, a customer has access to up to 40 000 proxies as maximum for now. That’s necessary to maintain stable work of our service.

Each customer gets his or her own selection generated by a special algorithm.

Switching for a new price package is totally transparent for both new and established customers.

New ones get the number of proxies according to the chosen package right after payment while the established customers will get this new list during the next proxy list download. 

Please find the update details below:

Was -> Is

1000 -> 2000

1500 -> 3000

2500 -> 5000

3500 -> 7000

5000 -> 9000

7000 -> 11000

12000 -> 15000

15000 -> 20000

25000 -> 30000

35000 -> 40000

Good luck in your work!